Lori offers 3045 cultural and architectural treasures that come from centuries. A large number of church complexes date back from the 6th to the 12th-13th centuries. Among the oldest monasteries are Tormakavank and the church of Odzun functioning to this day. One of the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Armenia, Sanahin-Haghpat, separate complexes dating back to the 12th-13th centuries, is located in Lori.
Lori experiences please tourists of diverse tastes. The favorable weather and gorgeous natural landscape make it the perfect place for hiking and taking magazine cover photos. It’s a great way to wrap up the day with a glass of honey wine or Lori herbs tea in the comfort of your hotel room. You are welcome any time of the year.
Haghpat Monastery is a medieval monastery complex in Haghpat, built between the 10th and 13th century. Described as a “masterpiece of religous architecture and a major center of learning in the Middle Ages”, Haghpat monastery was placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1996. The largest church in the complex, the Cathedral of Surb Nshan, probably begun in 976, was completed in 991 by king Smbat.
Carrying outstanding universal value to humanity, the Monastery of Sanahin was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1999. The monastery represents an entire complex, which comprises the Church of Saint Astvatsatsin, the Church of All-Savior, the Chapel of Grigor, scriptorium, academy, the gavit of Saint Astvatsatsin Church, the gavit of All-Savior Church, the belfry, the sepulcher of Kyurikyans, the sepulcher of Zakaryans, the sepulcher of Arghutyan-Erkaynabazuks (Long-Armed), the Church of Saint Hakob, the spring and the refectory.
Museum of Fine Arts
Vanadzor city, 52 Tigran Mets Avenue
The Museum of Fine Arts was established in 1974 as a branch of the National Gallery. Having received independent status in 1979, it was transferred to municipal subordination.
About 1800 museum objects are displayed in the museum representing Armenian fine arts.
Stepan Zoryan, a prominent Armenian novelist of the 20th century, lived there from 1964-1967. 1962-64 In 1983, the built private house was approved as a house-museum by the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. The museum has 7 halls, two used as offices and one as a bedroom. The museum has about 2000 thousand. unit stock exhibits.
S. Zoryan House Museum
Vanadzor city, 24 Stepan Zoryan street
Vanadzor National Center of Aesthetics
city Vanadzor, Myasnikyan 19a
The branch was opened in 1984, with the efforts of the general director of the National Center of Aesthetics, Henrik Igityan, and the children’s exhibition hall is constantly in operation, where exhibitions of works and open classes are regularly organized.
Museum of Fine Arts
Vanadzor city, 52 Tigran Mets Avenue
The Museum of Fine Arts was established in 1974 as a branch of the National Gallery. Having received independent status in 1979, it was transferred to municipal subordination.
About 1800 museum objects are displayed in the museum representing Armenian fine arts.
Stepan Zoryan, a prominent Armenian novelist of the 20th century, lived there from 1964-1967. 1962-64 In 1983, the built private house was approved as a house-museum by the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. The museum has 7 halls, two used as offices and one as a bedroom. The museum has about 2000 thousand. unit stock exhibits.
S. Zoryan House Museum
Vanadzor city, 24 Stepan Zoryan street
Vanadzor National Center of Aesthetics
city Vanadzor, Myasnikyan 19a
The branch was opened in 1984, with the efforts of the general director of the National Center of Aesthetics, Henrik Igityan, and the children’s exhibition hall is constantly in operation, where exhibitions of works and open classes are regularly organized.
Museum of Fine Arts
Vanadzor city, 52 Tigran Mets Avenue
The Museum of Fine Arts was established in 1974 as a branch of the National Gallery. Having received independent status in 1979, it was transferred to municipal subordination.
About 1800 museum objects are displayed in the museum representing Armenian fine arts.
Stepan Zoryan, a prominent Armenian novelist of the 20th century, lived there from 1964-1967. 1962-64 In 1983, the built private house was approved as a house-museum by the Ministry of Culture of the USSR. The museum has 7 halls, two used as offices and one as a bedroom. The museum has about 2000 thousand. unit stock exhibits.
S. Zoryan House Museum
Vanadzor city, 24 Stepan Zoryan street
Vanadzor National Center of Aesthetics
city Vanadzor, Myasnikyan 19a
The branch was opened in 1984, with the efforts of the general director of the National Center of Aesthetics, Henrik Igityan, and the children’s exhibition hall is constantly in operation, where exhibitions of works and open classes are regularly organized.
Ճգնավորի վանք
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read moreKayanberd Fortress, Dsevanq
The Kayanberd fortress is located in the Lori district in between Haghpat and Sanahin villages, in the spot where the two canyons are joined right on the cape. It was built by the monastery archbishop Hovhannes in 1233. It was called Haghpat’s monastery of Soorb Nshan (Kayanberd and Dsevank names were given later). It was […]
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1233 թ. Կայանբերդ ամրոցը գտնվում է Լոռու մարզի Հաղպատ և Սանահին գյուղերի միջև, երկու կիրճերի միացման տեղում, հրվանդանի վրա։ Ըստ շինարարական արձանագրության կառուցել է Հաղպատի վանքի առաջնորդ Հովհաննես եպիսկոպոսը 1233թ.-ին։ Այն կոչվել է Ամրոց Հաղպատա Սուրբ Նշանի (Կայանբերդ և Դսեվանք անունները ավելի ուշ շրջանի են)։ Մեծ վնաս են հասցրել թաթարները, 1241թ.-ին։ Ներսում պահպանվել են բազմաթիվ […]
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read moreGtevank
Gtevank is located in Kurtan village of Lori region, it was built in the 6th century. Now only the foundation walls have been preserved, according to which we can understand that the church was built in a small version of the plan of St. Astvatsatsin Church, Kurtan. In the southern part of the church, there […]
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Գտեվանքը գտնվում է Լոռու մարզի Կուրթան գյուղում, կառուցվել է 6-րդ դարում։ Այժմ պահպանվել է միայն հիմնապատերը, ըստ որոնց կարողանում ենք հասկանալ, որ եկեղեցին կառուցված է Կուրթանի սբ․ Աստվածածին եկեղեցու հատակագծի փոքր տարբերակով։ Եկեղեցու հարավային մասում պահպանվել է նաև գերեզմանոցը՝ մոտ մեկ տասնյակ տապանաքարերով։
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read moreTagavoranist
The royal palace is an ancient site of 2-3 millennia, which is located in the city of Vanadzor. In the 10th century, the ancient site was the residence of Bagratunyats Ashot III Voghormats (hence the name of the ancient site “Tagavaranist”), where the king took refuge in Sanahin and while visiting the monasteries of Haghpat. […]
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Թագավորանիստը 2-3 հազարամյակների հնավայր է, որը գտնվում է Վանաձոր քաղաքում։ 10-րդ դարում հնավայրը հանդիսացել է Բագրատունյաց Աշոտ 3-րդ Ողորմածի նստավայրը (այստեղից էլ ծագում է հնավայրի «Թագավորանիստ» անվանումը), որտեղ արքան հանգրվանել է Սանահին և Հաղպատ վանքերն այցելելիս։ Այսպիսով «Թագավորանիստ» հնավայրն իր պատմական նշանակությամբ բացառիկ է նրանով, որ այն իր մեջ ամփոփում է Հայաստանի պատմության միանգամից երեք […]
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According to historian Yeghishe Sahakyan, medieval Armenian historians, and Georgian sources, Uchkilisa corresponds to the city of Manitsgom. The remains of three churches have been preserved, one of which is quite large, which implies that the settlement was really a city. Also, the Greek chapel of St. George is located in Shamlugh. Until the 1990s, […]
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Շամլուղի վարչական կազմում է գտնվում Ուչքիլիսա կոչվող հնավայրը, որը ըստ պատմաբան Եղիշե Սահակյանի համապատասխանում է միջնադարյան հայ պատմիչների և վրաց աղբյուրներում հանդիպող Մանիցգոմ քաղաքին։ Պահպանվել են երեք եկեղեցիների մնացորդներ, որոնցից մեկը բավականին մեծ, ինչը ենթադրել է տալիս, որ բնակավայրը իրոք քաղաք է եղել։ Շամլուղում է գտնվում հունական Սուրբ Գեորգի մատուռը։ Մինչև 1990 ական թվականները դեռևս […]
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